South Central Los Angeles Career Ambassadors Program
The South Central Los Angeles Career Ambassadors Program is an AmeriCorps program that invests in 20 young adult residents of South-Central LA per year to build their capacity and support them in applying their leadership to create awareness among the residents in their communities. There are economic opportunities being generated through the redevelopment, housing, and transportation projects that are planned and active in the area.
The purpose of this outreach and awareness building effort is to connect un- and under-employed residents to these opportunities through job readiness and training programs, higher education, and career pathways. The Career Ambassadors Program is positioned to play a leadership role at a critical time in a multi-year strategy intended to revitalize South Central’s low-income, historic communities of color. We are working to prevent their displacement in the current environment of large-scale redevelopment that is gentrifying these historically disinvested communities.
Public Allies, Los Angeles
Public Allies empowers diverse leadership to strengthen communities, nonprofits and civic participation. The program models the ‘best practices’ in workforce, career and technical education while annually strengthening over 20 nonprofit organizations, providing over 42,000 hours of community service and serving over 15,000 Los Angeles residents. Public Allies are diverse, energetic, enthusiastic and ambitious young adults who want to make an impact in communities through performing direct service at organizations.
During their 10-month Apprenticeship, Allies change their lives and our community through a rigorous AmeriCorps program that combines full-time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofits with intensive skills training, active community-building projects, personalized coaching, and critical reflection. We provide all of this through a nationally recognized approach that’s rooted in a social justice framework.