CDTech received 2010 Don Vial Award from CETF for Outstanding Performance by an Organization!
CDTech was recently award the Don & Rosemary Vial Award for Outstanding Performance by an Organization by the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF)!
CDTech’s received the award for it’s work to help close the Digital and Economic Divide in the South L.A. community of Vernon-Central. CDTech’s TechREADY program increases the competitiveness of Vernon-Central youth and families through technology skills and jobs to close the digital divide and strengthen the local and regional economy by providing the ICT (information and communications technology) industry with a competent workforce and greater market penetration. CDTech has formed a business-school-community alliance and engaged the community in education reform, workforce development and community development.
So far, CDTech’s has infused technology into 16% of Vernon-Central households by training over 3,500 Vernon-Central youth and adults in basic to advanced computer literacy, connected 225 households to broadband through AT&T’s Access All program, provided workforce training and paid work experience to 156 youth and young adults participants in our TechCorps program, enrolled 230 youth in community college classes that earned them college credit, refurbished over 700 computers for LAUSD schools placing 110 of those computers back into Carver Middle School, CDTech’s partner in technology-based career and technical education reform.
To learn more about CDTech’s technology-based work in Vernon-Central, visit CDTechLink at 4201 So. Central Avenue in Los Angeles, or call 323/235-8320.