CDTech builds the capacity of individuals, organizations and communities to become agents of change for civic engagement and economic justice with a special focus in South Los Angeles.
CDTech has been identifying and training resident leaders in the South Los Angeles community of Vernon-Central (90011 zip code area) and Vermont Square (90007) for over 6 years, building the community’s capacity and power to lead transformational work related to educational attainment, economic development and civic engagement.

Community Organizing
CDTech’s Community Organizing efforts are carried out by local residents to promote the interests of their community. We work with local residents on a variety of issues to improve the economic conditions, career opportunities and increase local investment to the South Los Angeles community.

Civic Engagement
We believe that neighborhood improvement solutions must come from people who are the most affected by the conditions in order to enact the greatest change. Over the last year, the Community Engagement outreach team engaged over 15,000 South L.A. residents, door to door, street by street.

Sociedad Organizada de Latinas Activas (SODLA)
CDTech is the fiscal sponsor of SODLA and was launched in 2017. SODLA is a Latina immigrant grassroots leaders organization formed to create space for South Los Angeles immigrant women to practice their collective leadership to improve community conditions for all.

CDTech’s coalition efforts include CD9 and UNIDAD.

Youth Leaders Engaged Active & Diverse (YLEAD)
YLEAD was launched in 2012 to increase leadership capacity, educational attainment and career development among youth 14-18 years of age attending South Los Angeles High Schools. YLEAD incompases principles and values of Social Justice; Intersectional lens; Communalism and Community Based; Cross-Generational; LGBTQ inclusion; and Positive Youth Development.