The Omnivore’s Dilemma (Penguin), food expert Michael Pollan explores the hot-button issues of food production in the U.S. , including factory farming and the local and organic movements.  His most recent endeavor, In Defense of Food (Penguin), show how “nutritional” processed foods are replacing the market for real, whole ingredients.

Henry Pollack, Ph.D. has been on the front lines of the fight against global warming.  In his new book, A World Without Ice (Avery), he descrives the potential repercussions of melting glaciers and ice caps – and what we can do to change their devastating course.

Easy, natural recipes for home cleaning and personal care products abound in Annie Bertholdbond’s Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living (Three Rivers Press).  The book also provides guidelines for reading cosmetics labels and a list of unhealthy ingredients you should always avoid – and why.

In the Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget (Stewart, Tabpro and Chang), Josh Dorfman shows us that you don’t bave to sacrifice style or empty out your wallet to follow an ecofriendly path.

Jay Weinstein’s The Ethical Gourmet (Broadway) pputs sustainable ingredients to delicious use, with more than 100 recipes and info on buying ethically grown food.

Taking the grower’s perspective in Deeply Rooted (Counterpoint), Lisa Hamilton shares the story of three farmers attempting to fight a food system that’s putting small farms out of business.

Nicolette Hahn Niman, rancher, environmental activist and wife of Bill Niman (founder of sustainable meat producer Niman Ranch), argues for an overhaul of the meat industry in Righteous Porkchop (Colllins Living).

Mark Kurlansky’s, The Food of a Younger Land (Riverhead) celebrates the local and regional foods that America lost when national highways and chain restaurants moved in.

In Green, Greener, Greenest (pergee Trade), Lori Bongiorno dishes out tips on living the eco life that works for a wide range of budgets and schedules.

The Green Guide:  The Complete Reference for Consuming Wisely, from National Geographic, offers the ultimate advice on everything eco – from travel and hotels to appliances and pet care.  It even has tips for a green workplace.

In Hot, Flat and Crowded (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), Thomas Friedman argues that by fixing the environment, we’ll boost America’s stuggling economy and lagging national morale.

In Ecological Intelligence (Broadway Business) Daniel Goleman proves that “green” isn’t always earth friendly when it comes to consumer products.  He points to manufacturing transparency as the key to helping shoppers make informed purchases.

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder (Algonquin), the expanded version of Richard Louv’s first edition, links childhood obesity, depression, links childhood obesity and ADHA to the indoor-centric lifestyle of today’s kids.  He makes the case that nature will have no guardians if we don’t encourage kids to enjoy it.

Kate Hethoe reduces our “cookprints” in Cooking Green (DeCapo Press), showing us ways to cut down our waste and use kitchen appliances more efficiently.

Following Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s second book, Our Choice (Rodale), focuses not on the problems but on the solutions.  The Nobel Prize winner offers a comprehensive plan to fight global climate change.

Sid Davis gives instructions on how to shop for a green house or remodel your own in Your EcoFriendly Home (Amacome).

Decades ago, Dr. Seuss was already teaching children the value of conserving our natural resources.  His 1971 classic, The Lorax (Random House), still endures as a valuable and fun learning tool.

American Earth, Environmental Writing Since Thoreau (library of America), edited by Bill McKibben, includes works from John Muir, Wendell Berry, Rachel Carson and Joni Mitchell.

Low Carbon Diet by David Gershon is a 30-day program to lose 5,000 pounds.

Smart by Nature by Michael K. Stone focuses on Schooling for Sustainability.

John Jeavons’ How To Grow More Vegetables – than you every though possible on less land than you can imagine, joined forces with Alice Waters who contributed the forward.

Sarah James and Torbjorn Lahti co-authored The Natural Step for Communities:  How cities and towns can change to sustainable practices.

Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough and Michael Braungart looks at “Remaking the

Way we Make Things”.