CDTech is partnering with UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded UCLA – Smokefree Air For Everyone project. The UCLA-SAFE project is working to reduce tobacco-related health disparities among vulnerable populations in Los Angeles through smokefree apartment housing.  CDTech will gather information from South Los Angeles residents in multi-unit rental housing — those who smoke as well as those who don’t — to learn more about smokefree policies that may already be in effect in their apartment housing units. Other information to be gathered will include health conditions related to residents’ households that might be sensitive to secondhand and thirdhand smoke, and how they feel about the implementation of a smokefree policy for residents of multi-unit rental housing. CDTech is partnering in this project to ensure that the voice of South LA residents is prominent and clearly present in the dialogue of this important issue that impacts both health disparities and access to affordable housing in the region. For more information about the UCLA-SAFE project, please click here.

ucla center for health policy research